
The Canadian Studies Program at Bridgewater State University invites paper proposals from undergraduate university students in the United States and Canada for an in-person…
The editors of the American Review of Canadian Studies are pleased to announce to the Canadian Studies community the publication of volume 52, issue 4 (Winter 2022). It…
The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States is pleased to announce Professor Claire Campbell of Bucknell University as the inaugural winner of the biennial…
The Canadian Studies Program at Bridgewater State University invites paper proposals from undergraduate university students in the United States and Canada for an in-person…
  The editors of the American Review of Canadian Studies invite submissions for the journal’s biennial Thomas O. Enders Special Issue on Canada-U.S. Relations, which they…
The next BACS/University College London event will be a panel discussion of the outcome of the recent Conservative party leadership election in Canada in which Pierre…
The editors of the American Review of Canadian Studies are pleased to announce to the Canadian Studies community the publication of volume 52, issue 3 (Fall 2022).
The British Association of Canadian Studies programme, hosted online by the University College London (UCL) Institute of the Americas, will be taking place once a month, on…
The Canadian Studies Program at Bridgewater State University invites paper proposals from undergraduate university students in the United States and Canada for an in-person…